Tag Archives: PR Element

[ToS] [Patch-Preview] ToS December Patch 7.5 Preview Article Translations and Information ^^

This will mainly be a translation post regarding the upcoming version 7.5 patch for Tower of Saviors.

– All information about new features or cards and abilities are extracted from the news articles online. My input will only be deductions or guesses built upon those information.
– As with all translations, info may be lost or changed to a certain extent. This is mainly due to the fact that for the majority of the info, only a 1-sentence description has been provided in the article without video evidence of how detailed mechanics work. Thus, certain deductions have to be made on vague descriptions.
– The main article or source will be linked at the bottom of the post.
– Sources which were written in English and do not need to be translated will only be linked.



New Cards

It’s been a while since I played ToS seriously, so I have no idea what the recent stages were like, or what cards they give. However, these new cards seem to be linked to the 2-week stages recently. They seem to be pretty interesting, especially a Light “Pisces”!

Light converter!!! Much-awaited and very needed for such a lacking color now.
Light converter!!! Much-awaited and very needed for such a lacking color now.
An all-out card, especially if you have the likes of PR Xi on your team ^^
An all-out card, especially if you have the likes of PR Xi on your team ^^


PR Blood Fiends ._.

I don’t know, but somehow this series feels rather new… It’s like it wasn’t that long ago when they were so OP (when they were first released, 9x element attack was insane), but as quickly as they came, they fell out of favour after a short while. I forgot what replaced them though, and now they seek to replace the very dominant Greek and Daji multiplier teams out there.


Somehow I think their original artworks were nicer, especially for these 2.. Elizabeth just fell from creepy-cool to lame.
Somehow I think their original artworks were nicer, especially for these 2.. Elizabeth just fell from creepy-cool to lame.
PR element for Blood Fiends.
PR element for Blood Fiends.
The old-fashioned way of Blue, PR Freyr + Elizabeth.
The old-fashioned way of Blue, PR Freyr + Elizabeth.
New team ability when 2 PR Blood Fiends are used..
New team ability when 2 PR Blood Fiends are used..

When 2 Blood Fiends (Blue in this case) are used together as Leader and Ally, their leader abilities are changed. It will now read: In addition to their base multiplier, by dissolving Blue, Red and Heart runes in a single turn, Water attack for that turn will further multiply by 3x (non-stackable), but next turn, multiplier returns to 1x.

Also, Elizabeth’s max multilpier seems to be pushed to 3.5x per… So double Eliz is now 12.25x lol, just saying.

It seems Madhead has realized how lame the designed Todd to be back then. Any decent player who went through each card in the series will know that Todd is just crap, and they might as well not release a Dark card for Blood Fiends. At least they had the decency to revamp him (let’s call it a late release for a Dark Blood Fiend :|) now, so let’s see what we’ve got here.

I like his new icon though. Clowns look badass in any game.
I like his new icon though. Clowns look badass in any game.
New active ability!
New active ability!

New active: Team attack x200%, single attacks become full attacks, and for every monster killed that turn by normal attack, adds to the number of turns this skill remains active.

It suggests that this active is only present if both Leader and Ally are Todd, not entirely certain though. Jack and Todd both will receive new team abilities if set as Leader and Ally (not disclosed).


Sword Spirits and Immortal Fiends

So this new series aims to empower Immortal Fiends, by merging again ._.


This looks like a merged Achilles
This looks like a merged Achilles.
The formula, as usual.
The formula, as usual.

– Max skill level of current Lubu is 15, CD 15.
– Max skill level of new merging material is 12, CD 6.
– When both skills are ready, merging is possible.
– After merging into MEGA Lubu, both skills will still be ready.
– On the turn they merge, followup attack by MEGA Lubu will be 150% attack.
– Ameliorated Lubu skill will still be around after merging.
– Skill of merging material will be upgraded to convert 2 rows of runes into Dark after merging (should be CD6)!

MEGA Lubu skills.
MEGA Lubu skills.

Do be reminded that one team can still only have 1 merged creature!

Btw from the official video linked below, the merging material’s basic skill reads: If less than 2 Dark runes are present on board, turn 2 random row of runes into Dark. If not, turn 1 row instead.


Quality of Life Improvements and UI Changes

New cardback for 8* Fabulous Genesis cards!!!


Skill leveling can now be tracked..... T.T
Skill leveling can now be tracked….. T.T

This feature should have been introduced more than a year ago, seriously..

Achievements can now be displayed and shared in Guild chat.
Achievements can now be displayed and shared in Guild chat.
And they can now be viewed on the Leaderboards!
And they can now be viewed on the Leaderboards!
For iOS users.. you can now take selfie while recording video...
For iOS users.. you can now take selfie while recording video…

I have nothing much to say about this new feature, but Madhead I think you have better things to do than this ._.

New display shelf for Guild Achievements!!!
New display shelf for Guild Achievements!!!
Christmas is here again, and so is the good old snowy interface!!!
Christmas is here again, and so is the good old snowy interface!!!


The much awaited official video


Forum post about December 12th news article.

[ToS] [Special-Stage] The Key to Legacy! 0 Diamond Clear :D Get Your Memory Trav NAO~

Special Stage: The Key to Legacy
Card Reward: 1 Memory Traveler
Date: 27th Nov to 1st Dec 2014
Pre-req: None

This is a super easy Memory Traveler stage. I have a feeling Madhead is gifting this for people to try PRing their Paladins…

A basic, tumblerable stage.
A basic, tumblerable stage.


The stage information can be found here: English ToS Wiki and Chinese ToS Wiki

This stage is filled with bosses that are pretty easy to deal with, either by armor-ignoring damage or by dps shooting skills. Furthermore, the bosses do not hit twice, so bringing in a Tumbler leader makes the whole stage super easy even for new players.

Keep your HP low, but high enough to withstand the hits from all 3 witches in the first stage. This way, you will be able to heal back past the 50% mark easily every turn!


The Key to Legacy Battle!

Stamina required: 20
No. of stages: 7

Stage 1: Stall stage. KIll at least 1 witch asap and you are safe from danger. Stall till all cooldowns are up before moving on.

Stage 2: Activate John and shooter’s abilities to clear this stage instantly.

Stage 3: Use Verdandi’s active and you are safe (as long as your HP is low enough for you to heal past 50% every turn. The sequence of HP change here is: Idun heals you up, then HP drops by 50%, then Verdandi’s leech heals you up abit, then boss hits you with that meagre damage. So once you have Verdandi’s leech up, this stage is a breeze. Just remember to dissolve runes everyturn, as per any Tumbler Idun team.

Stage 4: PKoF, or any AoE armor-ignoring damage (PR Faugn, Valkyrie, Verd etc).

Stage 5: If you want you can activate Idun’s ability, which makes this stage lame. If not, it’s still easy to stay alive by spinning or doing whatever you like.

Stage 6: BE PATIENT. Wait for him to launch his first attack, then use John to kill him off.

Stage 7: Wait for his first attack too. Then deal armor-ignoring damage for the kill. If you have Faugn, you can use your active the moment you enter 🙂

And congratz! This stage will disappear once you clear it, so do not think about farming it :/

Below is a recording I did while clearing the stage, but it’s littered with lame mistakes ._. Firstly, the spinning here is terrible, since I do not have to do much damage with my normal attacks at all, but I still took a little too long finishing off that last witch. Secondly, I got confused at stage 6 and did unnecessary stuff… You just have to shoot that guy off and proceed… so do not follow what I did in the video for stage 6 D:


[ToS] [Patch-Preview] ToS November Patch 7.3 Preview Article Translations and Information ^^

This will mainly be a translation post regarding the upcoming version 7.3 patch for Tower of Saviors.

– All information about new features or cards and abilities are extracted from the news articles online. My input will only be deductions or guesses built upon those information.
– As with all translations, info may be lost or changed to a certain extent. This is mainly due to the fact that for the majority of the info, only a 1-sentence description has been provided in the article without video evidence of how detailed mechanics work. Thus, certain deductions have to be made on vague descriptions.
– The main article or source will be linked at the bottom of the post.
– Sources which were written in English and do not need to be translated will only be linked.




Big Bang stages will return soon, and together with them, a series of improvements to the Big Bang cards (maybe the band members need a better reason to use themselves in battle :P). In the official video linked at the bottom of the article, several interesting features are shown. Firstly, by completing Master or Grandmaster stages with the appropriate Big Bang member (not known if he has to be leader), there is a chance for him to attain a new skin. By completing stage achievements, players can accelerate this process.

Meet this new boss, and you will get his... looks ._.
Meet this new boss, and you will get his… looks ._.

Well, the above boss has not been seen before, so I guess you have to bump into him (only when you bring G-Dragon along for the G-Dragon stage will he have a chance of appearing, probably), defeat him and then get this skin.

Not all that glamorous, but the PR-ed version looks pretty FABULOUS (check out the vid)
Not all that pretty, but the PR-ed version looks quite FABULOUS (check out the vid).

Big Bang members can now be PR-ed!

PR element for Big Bang members.
PR element for Big Bang members.

Not sure how this element can be obtained, but it’s probably gna be from the stages.

They become more glamourous :)
They become more glamourous 🙂

Their leader ability stays the same, 200% attack for their color, and 50% corresponding color effect for Heart runes. However, their actives now turn runes into enchanted versions.


Chance of activating again, or rather, chance of the CD not used up when activating.
Chance of activating again, or rather, chance of the CD not used up when activating.

If you are lucky, you can turn half a board into the runes you want with just a single, low CD skill!


PR Paladins, finally

PR Fire Paladin.
PR Fire Paladin.
PR Earth Paladin.
PR Earth Paladin.
PR Dark Paladin.
PR Dark Paladin.

PR element for Paladins will be Memory Travaler (as with other normal Humans, Big Bang members are too awesome to be counted as NORMAL).

PKoE's new active skill!
PKoE’s new active skill!

It says: Deal 15x Earth element damage that ignores armor. If this damage kills the enemy, 100% to trigger Paladin’s team skill for the next turn. So what’s the Paladin team skill? So there is a crit chance between 15% to 25% (depends on number of different Paladins in team, 3 = 15%, 5 = 25%) for each Paladin per attack. This effect makes it 100% crit for the next turn. However, this crit effect is counted per Paladin, so I am unsure whether the 100% crit applies to all Paladins in the team or only to PKoE.

Nice damage :)
Nice damage 🙂

As for PQoW, the active now decreases damage taken to be decreased by 60% for 5 turns, and damage received during the first turn after the skill activation cannot deal a killing blow to you.


Makes you able to survive multiple hits for 1 turn!!
Makes you able to survive multiple hits for 1 turn!!

PKoL’s leader ability seems to have been boosted, but no numbers have been provided. Active now heals you to full and deals damage with any overheal (maybe it heals according to your max HP). PKoD’s leader ability now provides a max of 350% attack the lower your HP is.

You can deduce the multiplier of PKoL's leader ability from this picture.
You can deduce the multiplier of PKoL’s leader ability from this picture.


New series!


Pretty disgusting I must say. I thought copy-paste eye photoshop images only exist in troll images. Apparently not >:(
Pretty disgusting I must say. I thought copy-paste eye photoshop images only exist in troll images. Apparently not 😡
New farmable series.
New farmable series.

Active: For 1 turn, Water attack increases based on the number of different races in the team, up to 200%.

Leader: Beast attack 250%


Amelioration for Easter Elves

Easter elves will receive major boosts to their Recovery stat, and also receive improvements to their active skills.

Both stat increments are for Rec! Total of 150 boost :)
Both stat increments are for Rec! Total of 150 boost 🙂

Ame IV Magness now causes the chance of Heart runes drop for her column to be raised to 25%.

Yvette's active has improved tremendously.
Yvette’s active has improved tremendously.

Yvette’s active now leeches 50% of attack as HP instead of 20%, allowing for more damage with overheal (Diablo team).

Yidhra now requires much less charging up to unleash her burst.
Yidhra now requires much less charging up to unleash her burst.

Yidhra now deals 110% of damage dealt in the past 2 turns instead of the old 70% of 3 turns. Definitely helps alot, especially in stages where you cannot survive long enough for Yidhra to be useful ._.

0001093729 (1)

Isabel’s active CD seems to have been reduced by 3 upon entering a stage, making it easier to stall for her active (first time only).

CD reduction should be back at 15 once you activate her active once.
CD reduction should be back at 15 once you activate her active once.


Other new features added…

2 ally portraits for the same friend!?
2 ally portraits for the same friend!?

So it seems every player can have 2 cards set as ally for other players to choose from in ally select! The first one would be the usual ally portrait, while the other will be determined by your last used leader card. Do take note that though these 2 allies will be displayed as 2 different options in ally select, once 1 of the 2 cards are used as ally for battle, the other will also disappear from the ally select screen until he/she logs in again!

New story mode..
New story mode..

Not really sure what impact this has on the game, but it does add some depth to the ToS lore.


The much awaited official video


Forum post about November 14th news article.